Since 1974, Ballard has celebrated fishing and our Scandinavian heritage with a festival of music, arts, and of course—food! The Salmon Bay Eagles will have a booth near the club and we need volunteers to be our ambassadors. We’ll have applications and membership brochures on hand, temporary tattoos for the kids, and stickers to give away.

On Saturday the 15, we will be opening our doors to the public for an open house and membership drive. There will be live music by Size Sims and La Roca Boom, a mermaid theme, and lots of giveaways for our visitors. If you can spare a few hours on Saturday, July 15 or Sunday, July 16 mingling with folks at our booth and sharing the joys of membership, please sign up at the bar or contact Volunteer Coordinator, Mackenzie at  Let’s have some fun and sign ‘em up!