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The Bay Breeze

The Bay Breeze, Official Newsletter of the SBE

The award-winning Bay Breeze should hit member mailboxes the first week of the month. For past editions, check out our downloads page here.

10 05, 2024

Open House featuring House Rocking’ Three Sheet Blues

2024-05-13T10:20:54-07:00May 10th, 2024|The Bay Breeze|

Salmon Bay Eagles Membership DriveOpen House Show Free to the PublicDoors open from 3pm - 11pmShow starts at 8pm The House Rockin' Three Sheets Blues Band is a Seattle-based group of talented, seasoned, musicians with a passion for the blues. The band takes rockin' the house to heart, featuring [...]

27 02, 2024

Benefit for Pat Hewitt

2024-02-27T11:35:48-08:00February 27th, 2024|News, The Bay Breeze|

BENEFIT FOR PAT HEWITT, MARCH 17 The Salmon Bay Eagles will be hosting a Benefit for Pat Hewitt, who recently suffered a stroke, on Sunday, March 17 from 5pm-8pm. The benefit will host three musical performances plus a $15 buffet extravaganza courtesy of Marcia (aka The Kitchen Wench) to help [...]

27 02, 2024

Salmon Bay Park Easter Egg Hunt

2024-02-27T11:29:48-08:00February 27th, 2024|News, The Bay Breeze|

ANNUAL EATER EGG HUNT, MARCH 31 For the past 74 years, the Salmon Bay Eagles have put on a community Easter Egg Hunt that welcomes everyone and this year, it’s coming fast! There will be an Egg Stuffing Party at 7pm on Wednesday, March 27 at the Salmon Bay Eagles. [...]

4 01, 2024

Sunday Fun-day!

2024-01-04T11:16:15-08:00January 4th, 2024|The Bay Breeze|

The Salmon Bay Eagles is now open on Sundays from 1pm to 8pm with fun events each week. We host Open Mic Night on the 1st Sunday. Bring your instrument and playlist and get signed up before 5pm.  Join us for darts every 3rd Sunday of the month. No experience [...]

4 01, 2024
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Holiday Givings

2024-01-04T11:10:12-08:00January 4th, 2024|The Bay Breeze|

We are so thankful to be a part of an organization that loves to give back to the community. Every little bit helps and just being able to lend a hand here and there goes a long way. Here are a few of our members who helped out this [...]

4 01, 2024

Annual Chowder Cook Off

2024-01-04T10:59:11-08:00January 4th, 2024|The Bay Breeze|

Coming up on Sunday, January 21, be sure to join us for our annual Chowder Cook Off where you can make or taste/judge all the amazing chowders from our members. To enter the contest, sign up at the bar and bring any type of chowder you like in a crockpot. [...]

4 01, 2024

34th Anniversary of Salmon Bay Blues

2024-01-09T18:18:58-08:00January 4th, 2024|The Bay Breeze|

Mark your calendar right now for Thursday, January 18 and make plans to be at our big anniversary show featuring the talents and soulful music of The John Stephan Band. This event is also an Open House so the doors are open to the public. Salmon Bay Eagles F.O.E. [...]

27 11, 2023

An All Stars, No Stripes Christmas Party

2023-11-27T16:54:02-08:00November 27th, 2023|The Bay Breeze|

An All Stars, No Stripes Christmas Party Thursday, December 21 Join us for the annual Kevin Wallace Memorial Christmas party featuring a night of great music, dance and Mama’s famous chicken wings as we celebrate a holiday tradition at the Salmon Bay Eagles. Playing a vibrant mix of blues, R&B, [...]

27 11, 2023

New Year’s Eve Party ft. Vududes

2024-01-04T10:55:53-08:00November 27th, 2023|The Bay Breeze|

Ring in the New Year with The Vududes! The Vududes have some of the finest musicians from around the Pacific Northwest. Doors open at 1pm and music starts at 8pm followed by a champagne toast at midnight. There is no cover and the event is open to the public who [...]

26 10, 2023

Salmon Bay Eagles Thanksgiving

2023-10-26T22:21:04-07:00October 26th, 2023|The Bay Breeze|

With good cheer and gratitude, the Salmon Bay Eagles is hosting our annual Thanksgiving Day dinner on Thursday, November 23 for our members and their guests. A traditional dinner of turkey and all the trimmings will be served so be sure to come hungry and bring your friends and family. [...]

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